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Excellence in Education: My Vision for Our District

My campaign is built on the principle of Excellence in Education. I believe that every child in our district deserves access to high-quality education that not only prepares them for academic success but also equips them with the skills needed for life beyond the classroom. Excellence in Education is about fostering a culture of excellence in teaching, strengthening our community, ensuring transparency and accountability, keeping our schools safe, and expanding community involvement.

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  • Achieving Academic Excellence
    My primary goal is to elevate academic achievement across all our schools. To achieve this, it’s crucial that our financial resources are directed according to a clear strategic plan that prioritizes the needs of our students. Every dollar should be directed toward programs and initiatives that directly enhance student learning and support our teachers. By aligning our budget with our strategic goals, we can create a more effective educational environment that fosters academic excellence. Our curricula must offer advanced coursework and enrichment opportunities that challenge our students and prepare them for future success. This includes maximizing the availability of AP classes and encouraging students to take and excel in AP Exams, setting them up for success in college. We must focus on improving academic rankings, motivating students to take challenging classes, and ensuring they graduate ready for four-year colleges. By tackling these issues with a cohesive strategy, we can enhance the overall educational experience for all students in our district. Additionally, we must implement targeted support programs for struggling students and expand access to extracurricular activities to further raise academic performance across the board. By tracking progress with data-driven strategies, we can refine our approaches and ensure that every student has the opportunity to excel. Academic excellence also means maintaining manageable class sizes, allowing teachers to give each student the attention they deserve. Smaller classes lead to more personalized instruction, stronger teacher-student relationships, and better outcomes for everyone. We need a comprehensive approach that not only enhances teaching quality but also rigorously monitors progress and outcomes. We need to improve our curricula to better align with our academic goals and use data-driven strategies to track and evaluate student performance. For example, improving our current assessment and feedback systems will help us identify areas where students need additional support and refine our teaching methods accordingly. By revisiting and enhancing these systems, we can ensure that our efforts lead to measurable improvements in academic standards and better prepare our students for future success.
  • Strengthening Our Community
    Strengthening our community is essential. The reconfiguration of our elementary schools has introduced new dynamics, and it’s crucial that we address these effectively. Bringing the El Rodeo and Horace Mann communities together is vital. Fostering a strong sense of teamwork between these schools ensures that they work together to support all our students. This includes shared programs and resources, joint professional development for teachers, and more community-wide events for all elementary school students and families. By encouraging a culture of integration, our students will feel more connected, creating a more unified experience and potentially mitigating some of the behavioral issues that arise at the middle school level. Building on this momentum, especially with the leadership of our new BV principal, Mr. Richard Waters, who brings extensive experience and deep ties to our district, is crucial for securing a strong future for our students.
  • Ensuring Financial Strength with Transparency and Accountability
    A key priority is ensuring that our district remains financially strong, with complete transparency and accountability. We must continue to direct our resources according to a strategic plan that prioritizes student needs. This includes keeping our construction projects on track, particularly the renovations at BHHS. I am committed to completing these projects within the budgeted bond dollars and maintaining regular reporting and communication with the community to keep everyone informed about our progress. I believe it is not necessary to propose another bond for our modernization project. We are currently on track to complete these efforts within the budget set by the existing bonds. My focus will remain on ensuring that our construction efforts stay on schedule, and that our goals are achieved efficiently using the funds already allocated.
  • School Safety
    Ensuring the safety and security of our students, teachers, and staff is a top priority, requiring a comprehensive and proactive approach. I believe that every school should be a safe haven where students can focus on learning without fear or distraction. To achieve this, I will advocate for the implementation of regular safety audits at all schools in the district, conducted at least twice a year. These audits would assess physical security measures, emergency preparedness, and staff training, with the findings shared transparently with the community. This transparency ensures that any identified concerns are promptly addressed with a clear plan of action. In addition to safety audits, enhancing our emergency preparedness is critical. I will push for all schools to have up-to-date emergency plans, including lockdown procedures, evacuation drills, and advanced communication protocols. Integrating AI-based surveillance and communication systems that detect and respond to potential threats in real-time will further strengthen our preparedness. I also believe in the importance of establishing on-site mental health and crisis intervention teams that can address issues before they escalate into safety concerns. These teams would work closely with students, teachers, and parents to provide support and early intervention, promoting a secure and supportive school environment. Moreover, I will advocate for the presence of well-trained, community-focused School Resource Officers (SROs) at each school. These officers would not only provide security but also build positive relationships with students, helping to create a safe and inclusive school climate. To foster a culture of respect and empathy, I will push for the implementation of district-wide anti-bullying programs that include peer mentoring, anonymous reporting systems, and restorative justice practices. Additionally, ensuring the safety of students on their way to and from school is essential. Partnering with local law enforcement and city planners, I will work to improve crosswalks, add crossing guards, and increase police presence during school hours to ensure safe routes for all students.
  • Community Involvement
    Community involvement is vital to the success of our schools and the safety of our students. A strong partnership between schools, parents, and the broader community creates a more supportive and effective educational environment. I propose developing a district-wide Parent Engagement Policy that encourages greater parental involvement in school activities, decision-making, and volunteer opportunities. This policy would include flexible meeting times for working parents, virtual participation options, and clear communication channels between parents and school administration. By making it easier for parents to engage with their children’s education, we can foster a more collaborative and inclusive school community. Additionally, I will advocate for regular Community Education Workshops that provide valuable resources and foster a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our schools. These workshops would cover topics such as school safety, mental health, academic support, and digital literacy, offering parents and community members the tools they need to support our students effectively. Strengthening partnerships with local businesses, non-profits, and civic organizations is another priority. By collaborating with these entities, we can provide additional resources and opportunities for students, including internships, mentorship programs, sponsorship of school events, and community service projects. Finally, I will work to expand volunteer programs that invite community members to contribute their time and expertise to schools. Whether through tutoring, guest lecturing, assisting with school events, or participating in after-school programs, these volunteers can play a critical role in enhancing the educational experience for all students. By implementing these initiatives, we can create a safer, more connected, and supportive school environment that benefits everyone in our district.
  • Balancing Technology and Traditional Education
    Technology is a powerful tool in education, and our students need to become fluent in its use, just as my generation mastered the internet for research and projects. However, it's crucial to balance this with traditional teaching methods that foster critical thinking, creativity, and social interaction—skills best developed through direct teacher-student engagement, hands-on learning, and collaboration. To achieve this balance, I propose implementing a Digital Literacy Curriculum that teaches students how to use technology effectively and ethically, while also reinforcing the importance of traditional learning methods. This curriculum would focus on teaching students the skills they need to use technology as a tool for learning, problem-solving, and creative expression. Lessons would cover critical topics such as digital citizenship, online research methods, data privacy, and the ethical use of AI. By embedding these lessons into everyday learning, we can help students develop a strong foundation in both the technical and ethical aspects of technology. Additionally, we must establish clear policies to prevent the misuse of technology, such as cyberbullying, and provide ongoing training for teachers to guide students responsibly. This balanced approach ensures our students are well-equipped for the future while maintaining the foundational skills that traditional education provides.
  • Effective Leadership
    I bring a blend of experience, leadership, and a commitment to our community. My background as a trust and estate attorney has honed my ability to navigate complex issues, stay informed about changing regulations, and lead with a strategic mindset. I am dedicated to transparent communication, collaborative problem-solving, and making data-driven decisions. My firsthand experience as a parent and my active involvement in district activities provide me with a deep understanding of our schools’ needs and priorities. These skills and insights will enable me to work effectively with fellow board members to achieve our shared goals and enhance the educational experience for all students.
  • A Final Word to Voters
    As a dedicated parent and active community member, I am profoundly committed to the success of our schools and the well-being of our students. My experience as a trust and estate attorney has honed my problem-solving skills and my ability to think strategically and in detail. Through my active role with the Beverly Hills Education Foundation, I have gained valuable insights into the needs of our schools and the importance of collaborative efforts. My priorities include enhancing academic achievements, ensuring that our construction projects are completed as planned, and creating a positive and supportive environment for our students. I am dedicated to making thoughtful, informed decisions that will benefit all students and drive the long-term success of our district.
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